The Arizona Court of Appeals recently issued a memorandum that provided a great refresher of the doctrine of equitable subrogation in Arizona. At Lippman Recupero, we specialize in helping insurance companies maximize their recoveries on claims where a third party is at fault.11-291 and 12-962, Pima County is entitled to a lien and subrogation rights for charges for hospital and medical care provided to an injured indigent person. Subrogation occurs when your insurance company pays for an accident, then works to recoup expenses from the at-fault driver's insurer. Subrogation is when your insurer seeks reimbursement for your claim from a third party. Learn more about subrogation and how it applies to car insurance. 3 Subrogation Endorsement: The General Liability, Business Automobile. This reimbursement helps your insurance company recover the costs they paid out to you.