Self-Help Legal Information Packets are provided for the benefit of justice courts and individuals seeking access to justice through the court system. Civil Filing accepts all new suits and pleadings filed on civil and some family related matters filed in the Bexar County District Courts.Contact the Internal Affairs Unit with complaints and compliments. We review all feedback and use it to better serve you. It is the responsibility of the deputy clerk of the District Court to complete the record on appeal and to transmit it to the Court of Appeals. This form is a formality documenting that you wish to pursue criminal charges. The first step in filing a grievance is to complete a grievance form either through the Bar's online submission system, located at cdc.texasbar. Once you and your attorney have identified potential defendants, the next step is to file an insurance claim. Q:__How do I file a complaint? Summons and Complaint - Essentially, you are letting the court know the purpose of your lawsuit, who is involved, and why.