Most frequently, contracting parties agree to contractually require the inclusion of a waiver of subrogation endorsement in a workers' compensation policy. Waiver of subrogation provisions serve to transfer the risk of insured losses to a single insurer (in the construction context, usually that of the owner)Fax your case referral information to us at 844-634-2520. Mail your case referral information to us at: Carelon Subrogation PO Box 659940. You have no legal obligations to respond to a subrogation letter. If the insured's claims were waived, the insurer cannot bring a separate action to recover on the amounts it paid out. Simply follow the INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING (see below) the TennCare Subrogation Interest Identification Inquiry form . Insurance agent hands client waiver of subrogation form. What is a waiver of subrogation and why might I need one? Medicare Advantage Medical Claim Forms.