To file a claim against the County please complete the form below, print, sign and send to the address listed on the form. Subrogation is an arrangement between insurance companies to prevent insured parties from receiving double compensation.The project name must be indicated under. A Subrogation Letter should clearly state the facts of the case, including details of the incident (e.g. Subrogation is an insurer's right to recover payments made to you under your insurance policy from a third party who is at fault for the loss. The subrogation process is the right of an insurance company to recover the amount it has paid on a claim from the at-fault party. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 1. You will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe's website. An officer or agent of the corporation, not the individual signing the SF 95, must complete and sign the Authority to File Claim form. All proposals should be submitted in the following format to enable SBCCD to make a fair evaluation.