Subrogation is an arrangement between insurance companies to prevent insured parties from receiving double compensation. WCTL has expert attorneys ready to help you with your subrogation claim.Call us today at 888-888-9285 or fill out our contact form for free. Subrogation operates across various insurance contexts, allowing an insurer to pursue reimbursement from the party at fault in a claims settlement. You have no legal obligations to respond to a subrogation letter. The presenters discuss several real-life subrogation cases sharing the claim details, photographs and settlement amounts. The letter informs you of their right to seek reimbursement from your settlement, as well as what they paid you already and how much they seek to recover. Please complete and sign Claim Form CD-1. Subrogation refers to the act of one party taking over the legal rights of another party to seek damages through a lawsuit. Section 3040 places a limit on what an insurance company can recover out of a settlement for payments made to you.