Subrogation is an action your insurance company can take to recover the amount it gave you to cover your medical expenses. Subrogation is a critical concept in insurance claims, particularly when it comes to personal injury settlements in California.Immediately dealing with a subrogation letter allows you to resolve a claim sooner than later. The letter informs you of their right to seek reimbursement from your settlement, as well as what they paid you already and how much they seek to recover. If you receive a subrogation letter, talk to your personal injury attorney about the potential outcomes for your case. Generally, the subrogation process is the right of an insurance company to recover the amount it has paid on a claim from the at-fault party. The presenters discuss several real-life subrogation cases sharing the claim details, photographs and settlement amounts. If you are to recover money from a third party in a personal injury claim and the health insurance company has paid for your care they're entitled to be reimbursed. A successful subrogation claim can reduce your settlement value. This process may involve negotiation, settlement discussions, and sometimes even legal action from a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer.