- Go to the nearest police station from where the theft occurred or where you live. - Speak to the officer on duty and explain the situation. 3.Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free. Use the GovQA online form. All calls to the Crime Stoppers hotline 8174698477 are answered in the Safe City Commission Crime Stoppers Call Center, located in Fort Worth. File a report online, such as Lost Property, Identity Theft, Harassing Phone Call, Theft, or Vandalism, or get a copy of a report already filed. Click on "Request a Record," skip Category and select "New York City Police Department (NYPD)" from the Agency drop-down. File Your Complaint. Visit our Consumer Complaint Center at consumercomplaints.fcc. Using this Internet Police Reporting System allows you to file a police report online immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.