Purpose: To notify the Provider Recoupments and Holds, State Office, of the following potential: Procedure: When to Prepare: Prepare Form H1210 when the client: Claim subrogation is typically a passive activity for the insured.You have no legal obligations to respond to a subrogation letter. As a specific example, an insurance company that did not actually pay out a claim to the policyholder has no grounds for a subrogation claim. The subrogation letter might be sent directly from your health insurance company or from a second party company that handles their subrogation. The Plaintiff, above named, complaining of Defendants, above named, alleges and says as follows: 1. The insurance company would need to initiate a legal action to pursue their subrogation claim. Let's go back to our John and Bob example. A Dallas personal injury attorney can help you understand subrogation after a serious accident in Texas. What Is Insurance Claim Subrogation?