The presenters discuss several real-life subrogation cases sharing the claim details, photographs and settlement amounts. Subrogation is an action available to insurance companies to prevent them from paying for losses it legally is not responsible for paying.If you are to recover money from a third party in a personal injury claim and the health insurance company has paid for your care they're entitled to be reimbursed. Claims are processed as they are received. Claims must be submitted within 95 days from the date of service unless otherwise specified in a service agreement. Subrogation (sometimes shortened to "subro") is a way to protect you and your insurance company from paying for a car accident that wasn't your fault. I received a letter from my now former insurance company today. "Our records indicate we have a subrogation and reimbursement interest in the case noted above. Courts will enforce a consenttosettle clause to safeguard the subrogation rights of an insurance company. The letter informs you of their right to seek reimbursement from your settlement, as well as what they paid you already and how much they seek to recover.