All orders, judgments, and decrees under this part may be reviewed in the same manner as other orders, judgments, and decrees. If you're not finding the forms you need, contact us at (801) 238-7990 or Click here to contact the web navigator.The procedure for obtaining a declaratory judgment pursuant to Utah Code Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 4, shall be in accordance with these rules. The purpose of this site is to provide information from and about the Judicial Branch of the US Government. Declaratory judgments are an important tool in litigation. (a) Under Article III, a plaintiff must have standing to sue. This bedrock constitutional requirement has its roots in the separation of powers. The phrasing of its Complaint was similar to the Complaint filed in the First Lawsuit. See Utah Republican Party v. Idaho has some of the most oppressive criminal abortion statutes in the United States. Its.