When the at-fault driver is not insured, you have a few options at your disposal. When an uninsured driver hits you, as mentioned, you will have to take it up with your insurance company before any other option becomes available.If you are ever in an accident with an uninsured driver, uninsured motorist insurance coverage can help protect you. A look at Utah's no-fault car insurance system, insurance requirements in Utah, how "personal injury protection" coverage works in Utah, and more. When it comes to car accidents, Utah is a nofault state. Your rates don't go up for a claim where you're not at fault, and your insurance can find out if this other driver had an active policy. Issued to drivers after successfully completing a driver's test that qualifies them to operate a specific type of motor vehicle. Driver License Class Codes. If you suffered injuries in a Salt Lake City car accident with an uninsured driver, Ben Crump Law, PLLC could help you recover your losses. Does not include compensation for loss of use.