Subrogation and liens on personal injury claims generally refer to the right that another party acquires to a portion of any compensation that you receive. Certain subrogation provisions and limitations upon recovery in hospital, medical, etc.Virginia law does not permit state regulated health plans to seek reimbursement, but several federal statutes do. Subrogation is a legal term for when one entity pays a benefit, and then tries to get paid back for the benefits that it paid out. Maryland law reduces an insurer's subrogation claim to a percentage of the paid-out claim in certain circumstances. Subrogation is pursued as a claim in the name of the insured against the third party or their insurance company. What's worse, you may have given up any advantage to receiving a discount on the subrogation claim for attorney's fees. Virginia applies the AntiSubrogation Rule. Under that Rule, a negligent party doesn't get the benefit of you having health insurance. Virginia applies the AntiSubrogation Rule.