What is a waiver of subrogation for workers' compensation? We explain, and we look at examples and sample wording you can use.How to fill out the Subrogation Workers Compensation Accident Form? If you sign a waiver of subrogation clause, you are agreeing to waive (give up) your work comp insurance carrier's right to seek damages from another party. A workers' comp waiver of subrogation is a document that states that you are waiving your right for your insurer to seek compensation from a third party. Fill out this short form and someone from our office will contact you shortly. This is a sample form only. Claimant should fill out the form on their insurer or administrator's website and submit the form directly to them. Subrogation is an insurance principle that prevents the injured person from "doubledipping" into the benefits owed to them at the expense of another party. Workers' compensation subrogation can help you get the most out of your workers' compensation settlement.