If you are injured in an accident and have reason to believe the negligent driver is uninsured or underinsured, you will need to inform your insurance company. In the case of a hitandrun accident, you are not covered for damage to your own vehicle unless you have collision coverage on the policy.You're required to carry uninsured motorist coverage just in case a hitandrun driver runs into you. The consequences of driving uninsured can include hefty fines, license suspension, and, in extreme cases, imprisonment. First, you must call the cops and tell them what happened. The main forms of assistance available to hitandrun victims in Ontario are: (1) NoFault Statutory Accident Benefits. Uninsured Motorist Coverage for a North Carolina Hit-and-Run Accident. In this situation, your own insurance will cover the expenses that the uninsured driver should have covered. If you do have Collision coverage, then your own insurance has the obligation to fix your car. If you're the victim of a hit-and-run accident, your insurance may provide coverage under your uninsured motorist coverage.