A workers' comp waiver of subrogation is a document that states that you are waiving your right for your insurer to seek compensation from a third party. If you sign a waiver of subrogation clause, you are agreeing to waive (give up) your work comp insurance carrier's right to seek damages from another party.A Workers' Compensation Waiver of Subrogation typically prohibits the insurer from filing a suit against another party in the event of a loss. Most frequently, contracting parties agree to contractually require the inclusion of a waiver of subrogation endorsement in a workers' compensation policy. What is a waiver of subrogation for workers' compensation? We explain, and we look at examples and sample wording you can use. When you and another party agree to do business together, you may sign a contract that contains a waiver of subrogation provision. The insurer who has paid out on a claim also has no right of recourse against you. Since your insurance company paid the full amount of the subrogation claim on your behalf, they now inherit your right to recover that portion of the loss. When your insurance company pays for a claim, they can assume your right to seek compensation for their loss from a liable third party.