Vendors who would like to book a Client's event must submit this Vendor Agreement BEFORE securing a contract with the Client. Define the scope and terms of your event clearly with our event contract template.Create your contract easily! Instructions and requirements to submit a bid response are found in the attachment titled "Invitation for Bid Vendor Instructions and Requirements". A comprehensive event planner contract template covers essential clauses like scope of services, payment terms, and cancellation policies. An event planning contract expresses a business deal's lawful terms and conditions between a client, event planner, organizer, and merchant or service provider. Use this simple event planner contract template to create a legally binding agreement that outlines the specifics of the event to be planned. 1. After the payment process you will receive a PDF with the link to the template in Canva, and instructions. 2. The foremost things to include in the contract are termination clauses, cancellation, payment schedule, and services rendered. To ensure that your contract is signed in a timely manner, add a clause that indicates how much time the client has to return the signed contract.