Gov to explain your condition and request a deferral of your jury service. I was summoned for jury service (Sept 2023) but I live more than 1.5 hours away from the court house (Dublin), I was asked to report to.If you have already attended a Jury Service this week, either in person or online, the information below does not apply to you. Complete the questionair which will show that you have moved out of state, return it to the vourt clerk, and you will be excused. You must complete your Juror Qualification Questionnaire, even if you are asking for an excusal or postponement. Questionnaire. Chat with the Jury Department. The Summoning Process. The Alameda County Superior Court sends out jury summons to randomly selected individuals who are registered voters or licensed drivers. Read it carefully, fill out the form as required and send it in ASAP (if you miss the deadline you can only postpone jury duty). Contact the jury office at (520) 724-4222 between 7 a.