Call 510-337-8340 for assistance. Online reports are for documentation only, no investigation will occur.A person arrested for domestic violence may also have to respond to an application for a domestic violence restraining order in a civil or family law court. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, contact the Oakland domestic violence attorneys at the Silver Law Firm today for a free consultation. Contact the Law Offices of John A. Guthrie for help with California domestic violence restraining orders. In some cases, they may make a dual arrest. Once there has been a domestic violence arrest, it is up to the prosecutor to go for a domestic violence conviction. We can answer questions about your case, help you figure out which forms you need and how to fill them out, and explain different legal options. Contact the Law Offices of John A. Guthrie for help with California domestic violence restraining orders. Is it possible to appeal this in Alameda County, perhaps on the grounds that I did not know what I was doing in the courtroom?