The high court issued a resounding win for abortion clinics challenging a ban on using Medicaid funding for the procedure. Equal protection under those provisions has generally been deemed coterminous with the Equal Protection Clause of the.Fourteenth Amendment. The dental association asserted that this contract amendment violated the constitutional right to privacy of its members and their patients. The late Justice Sandra Day O'Connor played a key role in some of the Supreme Court's major decisions during her nearly 25 years on the bench. A group of Pennsylvania abortion providers filed a lawsuit challenging the state statute that bans abortion coverage through the Pennsylvania Medicaid program. The right to reproductive autonomy is deeply grounded in the US Constitution and is about much more than Roe and the right to abortion. Read Allegheny Reprod. What did the 14th amendment have to do with Roe v. Wade? ALLEGHENY REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CENTER, et al.