Follow these easy steps for ASG recognition! Any lawmaker can introduce a constitutional amendment, but the chair of the committee it is referred to must agree to bring it up for a vote.The Secretary of State submits the proposed amendment (and votes taken) for publication in two newspapers in every county. Notification of any proposed amendment to the Constitution will be provided to the membership no less than two (2) weeks prior to any vote occurring on such. Constitutional amendments (whether state or federal) should be rare. A home rule government will transfer substantial authority over our County government from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the people of Allegheny County. A green amendment is language that gets added to the Bill of Rights section of a state constitution and recognizes and protects the rights of all people. Amendment not to be submitted oftener than once in five years. SB106, passed in the House and Senate on July 8, 2022, proposing an amendment to the PA Constitution revoking any right to an abortion. For almost 40 years, the Pennsylvania Constitution's Equal Rights Amendment has lain nearly dormant.