Follow these instructions to file a summary appeal of traffic offenses, truancy, summary ordinances and summary crime code violations. For criminal history information in the County of Allegheny please contact the Allegheny County Department of Court Records at 412-350-5729.It is the responsibility of Criminal Court to adjudicate all criminal charges brought in Allegheny County. As implemented, ASAP generates a complete Pennsylvania Criminal Complaint that complies with the uniform statewide template. You have what is commonly referred to as an arrest record. The following process describes how a prosecution would proceed through the court system in Pennsylvania. I've tried to look up relevant statutes but DUI law is a bit confusing and far over my head. The PATCH unit will no longer mail out any PATCH check that is requested on the EPATCH web site. • A defendant held in the Allegheny County Jail receives a preliminary arraignment within 48 hours of their arrest. Pennsylvania also offers a method of sealing one's criminal or arrest records through the state's new "Limited Access" law.