False arrest is a civil tort, or wrongdoing. This means that a victim of false arrest can file a civil lawsuit against an individual or entity.Phoenix Wrongful Arrest Lawyer: Zanes Law has a proven track record of success with decades of experience. Call for a free consultation today. Fill out the contact form or call us at (480) 413-1499 to schedule your free consultation. False reporting under ARS 13-2907.01 is a class 1 misdemeanor. This is the highest level of misdemeanor in Arizona. 1. Notify the person who was arrested or charged of the person's right to file a petition in the superior court in the county where the arrest occurred. If you're being falsely accused of a crime in AZ, you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer immediately. If you're being falsely accused of a crime in AZ, you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer immediately.