I Received a Tentative Job Offer from the Forest Service - What Are Reasons a Official Job Offer Wouldn't Be Offered? The Forest Service puts up USFS property boundary signs that actually face towards private property.Fill out the submission form. 3. Under the U.S. Forest Service, the National Forest System now helps preserve hundreds of millions of acres. The Forest Service manages public lands based on the greatest good for the greatest number in the long run. Trespass case was instituted against us. Explore the findings of the most recent report on the Forest Resources of the United States through this interactive, informative application. Forest and woodland area in the United States has plateaued at 823 million acres following decades of expansion. In the years since, Google has worked with the Forest Service to meet its unique requirements for visual information about the planet. Thank you for your commitment to conserving our forests, protecting wildlife, and ensuring a healthy environment for all.