Ratified in 1868, Congress and the courts have applied the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause to many aspects of public life over the past 150 years. Rights, privileges and franchise secured; power of legislature to dispense with primary elections in certain cases.Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource. Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. Use this program to ask (or "petition") the Family Court to change a support order if there is a "change in circumstances." Fill out the following chart for your assigned clause. Be prepared to share your clause with the class. What if I make a mistake in filling out the application for a Marriage License? The Bronx is the northernmost borough of New York City, coextensive with Bronx County, in the U.S. state of New York.