Ratified in 1868, Congress and the courts have applied the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause to many aspects of public life over the past 150 years. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection.Intheblanks form authorizing an individual filing agent to efile documents on behalf of a single attorney. GF-14. Notice Of Motion. In this activity, you will analyze the text of the 14th Amendment, break down its key parts, and explore the big ideas enshrined in its text. This free program will help you fill out the papers that you will need to file in Family Court. SUNY-authorized charter schools must download an Accountability Plan Progress Report template. After completing, schools must upload the document into the by. Information Concerning The Filing Of Objections And Rebuttals In A Proceeding Before A Support Magistrate. It also protects against unequal treatment based on reproductive healthcare and autonomy.