The most basic charge would be assault in the third degree, then it goes up to assault in the second degree, and finally assault in the first degree. The arrest for one does not preclude being charged in a criminal court with other crimes.The Office of the Sheriff serves notices, petitions, subpoenas, orders, writs and other related papers. The short answer is YES. Assault and battery are serious criminal offenses in New York that can lead to arrest and significant legal consequences. New York Lawyers Team has successfully defended many clients in Bronx who have been accused of or arrested for Assault and Battery crimes. A: There are no battery crimes under New York penal law; therefore, all assault crimes are charged as different levels of assault. Assault can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the severity of the offense and the circumstances of the case. A Notice of Claim is a required form to notify the city of an individual's intention to bring a lawsuit against a city agency in New York. For legal advice and representation, call our office at 833-563-9522 to schedule a consultation.