Unlawful imprisonment in the first degree is a class E felony the maximum possible prison sentence is 4 years. Challenge the arrest in court.Your attorney will work to dismiss the charges if there was no probable cause for the arrest. A Notice of Claim is a required form to notify the city of an individual's intention to bring a lawsuit against a city agency in New York. In New York, tortious battery is defined as an intentional unwanted touching. The torts of battery and assault are distinguishable from each other. Penalties and Punishment The penalties, if convicted, depend on the degree of the charge and the corresponding classification of that offense. New York Lawyers Team has successfully defended many clients in Bronx who have been accused of or arrested for Assault and Battery crimes. Under New York Penal Law § 135.05, you could be prosecuted for unlawful imprisonment in the second degree if you unlawfully restrain another person. Simple assault charges can come from an incident where a person did not plan to hurt anyone.