You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. If you have served as a juror in a New York State or Federal Court within the past six years, please submit your completed questionnaire or juror summons.Discover how to navigate jury duty with ease using realistic fake jury duty letters and notes. Who has been there and wants to share? Is it better to be picked for a jury or not? If you cannot report for jury duty at any time during your term due to an emergency, such as illness, please contact the Commissioner of Jurors at 315-570-2439. To reach the jury office in Buffalo, dial 716-551-1520. If your call is not answered, please leave a voice mail message. Scammers call pretending to be court officials demanding payment for failing to report for jury duty. New Yorkers receive letters in the mail every few years from their local commissioner of jurors summoning them to state court for jury duty.