Completing the DUI Uniform Traffic Citation and Notice of Administrative Suspension. On this website, you can search for arrests in Broward County.If you are in Tier 2, then you must complete 9 months of the program within 15 months of your arrest. Under Florida law, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcoholic beverages, chemical substances, or controlled substances is one offense. Customer: I was arrested in June 2007 for DUI in Broward County Florida, but the case was no info'd and thrown out. Broward County DUI lawyers have over 150 years of experience. Contact a Broward County DUI attorney at Musca Law today. A skilled Fort Lauderdale DUI attorney can analyze the details of your arrest to identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case. If you have been arrested for DUI in Broward County it is important to take action quickly. Please be aware that you have only (10) days from the date of your DUI arrest to contest the administrative suspension of your driving privilege.