The California Secretary of State has found fake Certificates of Status are being circulated from websites and social media messaging applications. I've tried to follow up on these but they always go dark.It is usually scammers who want you to answer their chats so they can strike up a relationship with you. In addition to this guide, law enforcement officials may also contact WhatsApp with questions or in emergency situations as detailed below. This law discusses a unique California law that address this precise situation and provides tips on how to use this law to your advantage. Watch out for WhatsApp scams while you chat with family and friends online. Learn about common WhatsApp scams and how to avoid them. WhatsApp scammers often pose as someone you know or a wellknown entity, like a credit card company or government agency. It has come to our attention that there is an ongoing Fraud targeting professionals through WhatsApp. While WhatsApp is generally safe, there are scams you should be aware of, like phishing scams, impersonation scams, fake offers, prizes scams, and more.