A case in which the Court found the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act unconstitutional for overstepping the congressional boundaries of the Commerce Clause. The supreme court sided with lopez in a 5-4 decision and here's the reasoning from the majority opinion.The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. The Court has since explained that when a regulation faces a Second. Lopez argues that section 922(q) exceeds Congress' delegated powers and violates the Tenth Amendment. The decision in United States v. Lopez was the first since 1937 to hold that Congress had exceeded its Constitutional authority under the Commerce Clause. The video, "BRI's Homework Help: U.S. v. Lopez," explores a significant legal case concerning the balance of power between state and federal governments. A 12th grade student (Lopez) was convicted of violating the Act when he brought a handgun to his high school.