Effective Defense against Serious Criminal Charges – Cook County Felony Crime Lawyers. Felonies. 5-4.5-35. CLASS 2 FELONIES; SENTENCE.For a Class 2 felony: (a) TERM. Arrests or cases that resulted in acquittals, dismissals or non-conviction sentences (see types of offenses that can be expunged under Step 2). Any DUI offense resulting in felony charges is classified as. Enter the number for all eligible arrests and charges on your criminal record in this county. Standard burglary is typically charged as a Class 2 felony, which carries a potential sentence of three to seven years in prison. Illinois law groups felonies into different classes for purposes of sentencing. This code may differ from codes other law enforcement agencies may collect. You must decide which items qualify for expungement (to erase the records) and which are eligible for sealing (to hide the records from the public).