Welcome to the Chicago Police Department's Online Reporting System. You can use the system to make an immediate report of a crime in which you are the victim.Arrests or cases that resulted in acquittals, dismissals or non-conviction sentences (see types of offenses that can be expunged under Step 2). O Chicago RAP Sheet (Record of Arrests and. Prosecutions): list of all arrests, charges, and court case outcomes that happened in Chicago. The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Each time a person is arrested or fingerprinted, the local police department sends a report of the arrest to the Bureau of. Identification. Sometimes, the arresting officer had to take care of all of the booking procedures before transporting the arrestee to jail. Please be advised that the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC) has instituted a new visitation policy.