Welcome to the Chicago Police Department's Online Reporting System. You can use the system to make an immediate report of a crime in which you are the victim.You have the right to not be arrested or handcuffed without "probable cause" to believe that you have committed a crime. Consumer Fraud Helplines 1-800-386-5438 (Chicago) 1-800-243-0618 (Springfield) 1-800-0618-0607 (Carbondale). Individuals with hearing Were you arrested under false pretenses? Our Chicago civil rights attorney has the extensive experience required to fight for your civil rights. Report a Complaint about Waste, Fraud, Abuse, or Misconduct in the Department of Justice; Report Other Fraud or Public Corruption. Visit the Civilian Office of Police Accountability website or call their helpline to initiate the complaint process. If you have been falsely accused and wrongfully arrested, your attorney will explore all legal options available to you.