Call the substance use experts at The Counseling Center when you require an approved provider to conduct your DUI evaluation in Clark. Contact an Experienced Clark DWI Defense Attorney About Your Drunk Driving Charges in New Jersey.Have you been charged with a DWI or DUI offense in New Jersey? (Also, it's DWI in NYC, not DUI.) Almost all convicted first DWIs get a period of jail time in New York, usually 15 days. Clark was arrested for suspicion of DUI. Clark will be issued a summons to appear in court. Location. Even a 1st drunk driving arrest can carry harsh penalties. DUI Education: You will likely be required to complete a DUI education course, which is designed to address the risks of impaired driving. Free Consultation - Call 800.696. Under New Jersey case law a cop is not even permitted to request a driver to get out of the car unless he has reasonable suspicion of an offense such as DUI.