A new approach will help decrease the numerous claims of false arrest, police brutality, false imprisonment and other wrongful police activities. False arrest is a police misconduct charge and often doesn't include any physical injuries to the victim.My Department's citizen complaint form has a paragraph at the bottom advising the complaintant that filing a false complaint is a criminal misdemeanor. In New York, a private person or a police officer commits the tort of false imprisonment or false arrest when they detain someone without legal authority. Were You Falsely Arrested, or Hurt By a Police Officer's Excessive Force? CALL OUR OFFICE For a Free Consultation or Simply Fill Out a CASE INTAKE FORM. Can I Sue the Police for False Arrest? My clients who are excessively beaten or wrongfully arrested pursue civil rights lawsuits against the police that caused the wrong. If you were the victim of police misconduct due to a false arrest, you have the right to seek justice. I was going to wait to see how this turned out.