Negligent police officers led to my arrest and subsequent jail stay for two years on a crime I did not commit. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter.Major Complaint: Complaint of a serious nature which may involve the use of force, criminal conduct, false arrest or any other serious matter. Decided June 25, 1898. False Imprisonment — Mistake — Liability of Sheriff. As to the false arrest claim, the notice of claim states that Russell falsely arrested plaintiff and violated her civil rights. Summary judgment was properly granted on the basis of qualified immunity for police officers in a lawsuit against them for false arrest and excessive force. "He's led an extraordinary life as a police officer," Clark told the judge. The defendant filled out an incident report about the assault but did not assist in applying for the arrest warrant. Ask them to fill out and sign a declaration.