You will be mailed a summons form with a date to report and a qualification questionnaire to complete and return within ten (10) days to the Court. The jury are made up of people like you and me and didn't have the benefit of Reddit.They were literally at the mercy of Judge Cannone. Next, I will define the crime(s) charged in this case, explain the law that applies to those definitions, and spell out the elements of each charged crime. These fake NEFs are phishing attempts to convince recipients to respond back to the emails. The foreman played no role other than to tell the judge what the verdict was. She might have chaired in the sense of calling on us as we raised our hands. When the grand jury is deliberating and voting, only the grand jurors may be in the room. Instead of having each person say whether they think it's true or false, ask everyone to contribute to filling out both sides of the chart. You must deliberate about the case only when you are all gathered together in the jury room.