Complete an ACCESS Application as soon as possible as the process can take up to two weeks. We're going to walk through all 27 amendments and we're going to talk about four different periods of constitutional reform.The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is the first step in the financial aid process. The 88th Session of the Texas Legislature put forward 14 Texas Constitutional amendments for citizens to vote on. This publication attempts to fill a gap in the body of research detailing Texas constitutional history. However, at a minimum, the Collins Amendment will set a floor for the U.S. banking supervisors in the ongoing Basel III discussions. So far, at least 10 counties have declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. There have been 27 amendments to the Constitution, beginning with the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments, ratified December 15, 1791. Constitutional Amendments – Amendment 23 – "Extending the Vote to the District of Columbia". Conversion means the steps and sequence required to populate data from the legacy system into Tyler. Supervision. 4.