Returning a verdict for the plaintiff on the false imprisonment claim, the jury found for the defendant on the remaining two issues. II. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter.Trial counsel entered an appearance in the case within three weeks after the withdrawal of pre-trial counsel. The Supreme Court just ruled that at least some federal prisoners who are completely innocent must serve out their entire sentence. Probation is like a prison sentence outside of jail. You walk around with a rope tied around your leg to the prison door. The restraint in false imprisonment must be complete, that is, it must not be mere obstruction of the right to go where the plaintiff wants to go. Offenses against the laws of this State, and to make the rules of procedure in respect to the prevention and punishment of offenses. The Collin College Student Handbook is for information only and is not intended as a contract, expressed or implied. The total time these exonerated people spent in prison adds up to 31,900 years.