Contra Costa County Jail Sentence Terms vs. Fill out this form if you wish to plead guilty or no contest to the charges against you.Initial the box for each applicable item only if you understand it. False Imprisonment of a Hostage. The interactive map presents detailed crime and incarceration numbers, rates, and trends for California and each of its 58 counties. This blog post aims to shed light on these critical aspects of the law and provide a comprehensive guide on the journey from arrest to indictment. A "mandatory minimum" of 96 hours in the county jail; to a maximum sentence of one year. The biggest difference between a felony and a misdemeanor lies in the penalties. According to Penal Code Section 834, an arrest is a full seizure of an individual under probable cause. Any record of such arrest shall include a record of the release hereunder and thereafter shall not be deemed an arrest but a detention only.