Under California Penal Code §236, false imprisonment is the unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another. District Attorney Diana Becton established a Conviction Integrity Unit to investigate wrongful conviction claims of actual innocence in Contra Costa County.Facing a misdemeanor charge in Contra Costa County? On Jan 22, Asm James C. Ramos held a press conference announcing AB 1772, which would seek jail time for repeat retail theft suspects. A Contra Costa County criminal defense lawyer could offer legal guidance and support. This includes providing help from the earliest possible opportunity. Depending on the specific facts of your case, you will be charged with either petty theft (misdemeanor) or grand theft (felony). Fill out this form if you wish to plead guilty or no contest to the charges against you. The penalties for a DUI might include signing up for mandatory DUI classes or completing an outpatient substance abuse treatment program. His unwavering dedication to protecting clients' rights and preserving their reputations distinguishes him in the legal field.