False Imprisonment is the unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another. The penalties for false imprisonment of an elder or dependent adult involving violence, menace, fraud, or deceit include up to four years in prison.A false arrest is one way of committing false imprisonment. To prove false arrest, a person must prove three elements. False imprisonment occurs when you unlawfully deprive another person of his or her personal liberty. This document provides responses to some the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to criminal justice realignment. This includes fines, prison sentences, and a damaging criminal record. False Accusations, Misunderstood Self Defense…Innocent People are Charged too Often. California Penal Code § 236 PC defines false imprisonment as unlawfully restraining, detaining, or confining a person against his or her will. Prepare your documents: Complete "Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court.