The Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes cases such as deceptive advertising, unfair competition, and other forms of consumer fraud. Check your organization's phishing awareness with a free Phishing Security Test from KnowBe4 to discover how many of your employees are Phish-proneâ„¢.My friend has been receiving harassing text messages from "fake" numbers. Is there a way to find out who is behind this? This program requires the Recorder's Office to immediately send out a letter to every homeowner whose title has been transferred to a different homeowner. This list of fact-checking websites includes websites that provide fact-checking services about both political and non-political subjects. It keeps wanting to send them to whatsapp and i dont even have whatsapp. This group is for anyone who travels, and has even CONSIDERED buying ANYTHING from UVC or GBI international. The Contra Costa County ClerkRecorderElections Office would like county residents to be aware of a potential texting scam asking about voter registration. As indicated on the website, theirs is the first on-demand verification service via WhatsApp in Spain.