You may need to withhold tax if you make nonwage payments to nonresidents. This is called nonresident withholding.If the assessee name or the property being assessed is incorrect, contact the Assessor's Office immediately at (925) 313-7600. Prepare your documents: Complete "Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court. Generally, the payee must be a nonresident alien student, apprentice, or trainee in order to claim a tax treaty exemption for remittances from abroad. The Contra Costa County Library is the public library system in Contra Costa County, California, United States. There are 26 community… Welcome to Contra Costa County's on-line application process! You must make all deposits of taxes paid with respect to Form 1042-S (including taxes withheld under either chapter 3 or chapter 4) electronically. LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free.