The Criminal Division is located inside the Leighton Criminal Courthouse. Central Bond Court 2650 South California Avenue, Room 111, Chicago, IL 60608.A felony preliminary hearing is a pretrial proceeding in which a judge determines whether there is probable cause to believe a felony was committed. If you get pulled over for it, you'll likely be held on a misdemeanor warrant and see if the requesting state wants to do it. I have a court date tomorrow for first offense shoplifting. Will I go to jail for it if they never arrested me in the first place? There are two ways a warrant can be dealt with. Either you turn yourself in and the warrant is executed or you file a motion to Quash and Recall the warrant. The case data available on-line is the electronic docket which contains brief summaries of court documents and court events in a particular case. If the arrest is for a felony offense, either a grand jury indictment or a preliminary hearing is required to formally charge for the crime.