A police officer may arrest a person for an offense, pursuant to section 140.10, at any hour of any day or night. Police (or the Criminal Court) cannot put out an arrest warrant unless a Judge agrees there is Probable Cause to arrest a person.When can law enforcement arrest me without a warrant? The amendment permits the complainant to state the facts constituting probable cause in a separate affidavit in lieu of spelling them out in the complaint. There are two ways a warrant can be dealt with. Either you turn yourself in and the warrant is executed or you file a motion to Quash and Recall the warrant. Police cannot enter a home without a warrant or exigent circumstance, especially if it's just under suspicion. Fill out the Traffic Safety School registration, and return it in the envelope with your ticket payment. Unless it is an emergency, however, a police officer cannot enter a person's home without a warrant to make an arrest. If a police officer has probable cause, they may seek an arrest warrant from a judge or magistrate.