संविधान (चौहत्तरवां संशोधन) अधिनियम, 1992. The Constitution (Fifty-eighth Amendment) Act, 1987 thru Article 394 A provided for authoritative version of constitution in Hindi.There are 106 amendment acts as of September 2023 that are made in the Indian Constitution over time. All these amendments have brought significant changes. Conscience and the power of amendment should be exercised in the larger interest of doing full and complete justice to the parties before the court. (1) Any law referred to in article 2 or article 3 shall contain such provisions for the amendment of the First. 6.1 State powers in the Constitution. 6.1. Article 36 - Amendments to Constitution; Article 37 - Interpretation of Constitution and Conventions; Article 38 - Regional Conferences. Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights. 6. Equality before law. 1Ins.