The Jury Administration Office is responsible for providing the pool of qualified jurors for the Circuit Court. In the Western Division jurors are given several different specific dates which may extend over a 2 month period.To be eligible for jury service, you must be a citizen of the United States; at least 18 years old; a resident of the county; not have a pending lawsuit. Click on the link below to complete your Juror Qualification Questionnaire or Juror Summons Information Form and Questionnaire. Download and complete Appearance and Jury Request Forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Please click on the link below to be redirected to the Circuit Court of Cook County jury information page from the Office of the Chief Judge. Of whether a plaintiff made out a prima facie case has no place in the jury room. Courts will randomly select potential jurors from a pool of all eligible local residents. We are about to select a jury in the case of ______ v. It is not intended to be a complete statement of the law governing the role of the grand jury in the administration of criminal justice.