The scammer might use that number to rip off other people and conceal their identity. If the scammer enters the code on the signup page, and the personal number used qualifies, Google issues a Google Voice number to the scammer.This is a sneaky and dangerous scam that allows fraudsters to hijack your phone number and use it to scam other people. Have you heard of the Google Voice verification scam? You need to know about it, and especially about how to avoid it. Any US POTS (not VoIP) or wireless number will work. To prevent unwanted access to your account, it's important you don't reply to any requests for your verification code. Once a password reset link is sent via email it requires receiving a text message for verification. It also explains how Google and our partners use cookies in advertising. Developers must use a new cookie setting, SameSite=None, to designate cookies for cross-site access.